A post graduate year has given many BTI student athletes the maximum opportunity to matriculate on to the next level. Below are a list of benefits:

  • critical social maturity before being on their own in college
  • one more year of physical & athletic development
  • increase in overall fundamental basketball skills
  • Improve academic profile
  • Increase ACT/SAT score

For many student athletes, a “post graduate year” at a boarding school is a wonderful option. There are thousands of students currently enrolled as “PG” students at boarding schools in the US, Canada and Europe. The PGs have graduated from their local high school and gone to boarding school to join the prep school senior class to be a part of the tight group of PGs on campus. These popular members of the school community are able to participate in varsity athletics and extracurricular activities and have access to the school’s college admissions counselors. They are also encouraged to be leaders on campus and in school programs.

The PG year has been around for many years and has been used by student athletes who are hoping to improve athletic abilities in order to get a college coach’s attention, or for those who need to improve maturity, study habits and academic abilities before embarking on college. With college admissions seemingly more competitive each year, the PG year is a good choice for student athletes who want to improve both their academic and athletic profile before college.

BTI Student Athletes have had great success with some of the following schools:

  • Northfield Mt. Herman (7)
  • Philips Exeter Academy (5)
  • Philips Andover Academy (1)
  • St. Thomas More (4)
  • Kent School (4)
  • South Kent (2)
  • Brewster Academy (3)
  • Blair Academy (1)
  • Bridgton Academy (2)
  • Hill School (1)
  • IMG Academy (1)
  • New Hampton School (2)
  • Impact Academy (1)
  • Williston North Hampton (1)
  • Vermont Academy
  • Impact Prep (4)